Friday, November 4, 2011

Notes from the Archives

The best thing about archives is the random material that springs forth from seemingly dull files. Find of the day, in the ever-so-tantalizingly titled "Jean Young Campaign, 1958 7th District":

There was once (I'm guessing this should be past tense as a google search brings up nothing but travel info) an organization called "Scandinavian Ticket, Inc." which distributed voting advice based upon "investigation and study made by a group of Scandinavian Business and Professional men." Were you a "voter of Scandinavian extraction," these fine gentlemen had for "the last THIRTY-SIX ELECTIONS" carefully composed their slate of preferred candidates just for you. Endorsed in 1958 were Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark O. Hatfield (score one for the Scandihoovians) and the aforementioned Mrs. Young (outcome there was a bit of a bummer). Go figure.

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