Friday, August 15, 2014

Reflection on the Week: Fun Charts

It has been a busy week, and I seem to have used the last vestiges of the "deep reflection" part of my brain attempting final revisions on a journal article.  Happily, the New York Times has provided light stimulation for my tired brain by publishing a fascinating interactive feature graphically demonstrating U.S. population movement since 1900: find it here.  It's a wealth of information, some predictable (14 percent of Oregonians are successful California escapees) and some rather surprising, at least to me (only 40 percent of current Wyoming residents were born in the state!).  Seventy-two percent of Mississippians were born in the state, while only 55 percent of Georgia residents are natives -- statistics very much in keeping with Atlanta's status as a "Sunbelt" migrant draw.  Late-nineteenth and early-twentieth century immigration trends are especially clear in states such as the Dakotas, where influxes of Scandinavian settlers were not countered by new immigrant streams in the latter part of the twentieth century (the charts tabulate population movement from "outside the United States" but don't break that down by country or region).  Take a look -- I'd love to hear of any surprises you find in the data.

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